by System Administrator | Sep 3, 2019
MORLEY ROBBINS Jigsaw Health TOPIC 1: Ironology 101 DESCRIPTION: There is a great deal of confusion in Society about Iron and Anemia. This session is designed to sort out the REAL factors and educate both practitioners and the public. DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 26,...
by System Administrator | Sep 3, 2019
PROF. DR. PAUL LING TAI Health Secrets USA TOPIC 1: Natural Solutions for Adrenal Fatigue, Stress & Hypothyroidism DESCRIPTION: Discover the extreme damaging and long-lasting effects of Adrenal Fatigue, Stress & Hypothyroidism on the human body and learn about...
by System Administrator | Sep 3, 2019
PETER STARR Healing Arts Education Foundation TOPIC: Prostate Cancer, Why We Get It; What To Do About It DESCRIPTION: Sourcing reliable information upon which to base one’s treatment protocol can be a frustrating challenge. Peter Starr, a 15 year survivor, without...
by System Administrator | Sep 3, 2019
Paul Nison COMPANY: Raw Life, Inc. TOPIC: The Formula for Health DESCRIPTION: This lecture can help you discover how to improve your health and live a disease-free life. The more you understand nutrition’s role in preventing disease and curing it, the easier it...
by System Administrator | Sep 3, 2019
PATCH ADAMS Gesundheit! Institute TOPIC: Medicine for fun, not funds DESCRIPTION: Medicine has become a greedy business reflected in the fact that a medical bill is the #1 reason one loses their home. Now, imagine a hospital model that has eliminated 90% of the cost!...